Applicator Channel Open Alerts
  spectra30_AP02_Off_1_Open Masks alert AP02 for Applicator 1. Applicator 1 open circuit alerts are turned off or masked. The output of the applicator will be unchanged.
  spectra30_AP02_Off_2_Open Masks alert AP02 for Applicator 2. Applicator 2 open circuit alerts are turned off or masked. The output of the applicator will be unchanged.
  spectra30_AP02_Off_3_Open Masks alert AP02 for Applicator 3. Applicator 3 open circuit alerts are turned off or masked. The output of the applicator will be unchanged.
  spectra30_AP02_Off_4_Open Masks alert AP02 for Applicator 4. Applicator 4 open circuit alerts are turned off or masked. The output of the applicator will be unchanged.
  spectra30_AP02_On_1_Open_NoMS Unmasks alert AP02 for Applicator 1. Applicator 1 open circuit alerts are reported. The output of the applicator will be unchanged.
  spectra30_AP02_On_2_Open_NoMS Unmasks alert AP02 for Applicator 2. Applicator 2 open circuit alerts are reported. The output of the applicator will be unchanged.
  spectra30_AP02_On_3_Open_NoMS Unmasks alert AP02 for Applicator 3. Applicator 3 open circuit alerts are reported. The output of the applicator will be unchanged.
  spectra30_AP02_On_4_Open_NoMS Unmasks alert AP02 for Applicator 4. Applicator 4 open circuit alerts are reported. The output of the applicator will be unchanged.
  GTO Mode Compatible with software versions 9.239C and higher.
  spectra30_GTO_Single Sets the Spectra30 to the default Single GTO mode - a single GTO value for each applicator.
  spectra30_GTO_Multiple-EPC30 Sets the Spectra30 to the Multiple-EPC30 GTO mode - each applicator / photocell has a specific value.
  spectra30_GTO_Recipe Sets the Spectra30 to the Recipe GTO mode - loading a recipe will load a new set of GTO values for each applicator.
  Output Control
  spectra30_JP4_PIN_9_Output_GlueOn Assigns the Glue on status to output #1, JP4, pin 9. When glue is on in the system, the output will be true.
  spectra30_JP4_PIN_9_Output_MinLineSpeed Assigns the minimum linespeed status to output #1, JP4, pin 9. When the minimum linespeed is exceeded, the output will be true.
  spectra30_JP4_PIN_9_Output_ReadyToRun Assigns the ready status to output #1, JP4, pin 9. When the system is ready to run, the output will be true.
  spectra30_JP4_PIN_9_Output_Warning Assigns the warning status to output #1, JP4, pin 9. When there is an active alert or fault, the output will be true.
  Pattern Alerts
  spectra30_PA01_Off_PattTimingErrors Masks alert PA01 for all applicators. Applicator timing alerts are turned off or masked. The output of the applicator will be unchanged.
  spectra30_PA01_On_PattTimingErrors Unmasks alert PA01 for all applicators. Applicator timing alerts are reported. The output of the applicator will be unchanged.
  spectra30_PA02_Off_PattCompErrors Masks alert PA02 for all applicators. Applicator compensation alerts are turned off or masked. The output of the applicator will be unchanged.
  spectra30_PA02_On_PatternCompErrors Unmasks alert PA02 for all applicators. Applicator compensation alerts are reported. The output of the applicator will be unchanged.
  Mirror Length Alerts
  spectra30_PA03_Off_1_RM_GTO Disables the alert caused by a GTO that is too short for product length in "mirror" patterns.
  spectra30_PA03_Off_2_RM_GTO Disables the alert caused by a GTO that is too short for product length in "mirror" patterns.
  spectra30_PA03_Off_3_RM_GTO Disables the alert caused by a GTO that is too short for product length in "mirror" patterns.
  spectra30_PA03_Off_4_RM_GTO Disables the alert caused by a GTO that is too short for product length in "mirror" patterns.
  Queue Overflow Alert/Fault
  spectra30_PA04_Queue_Overflow_To_Alerts When too many triggers are received in a short time, an alert will be generated (patterns pause).
  spectra30_PA04_Queue_Overflow_To_Faults When too many triggers are received in a short time, a fault will be generated (patterns stop).
  Photocell Open Circuit
  spectra30_PH02_Off_1_Open Masks alert PH02 for Photocell 1. Photocell 1 open circuit alerts are turned off or masked.
  spectra30_PH02_Off_2_Open Masks alert PH02 for Photocell 2. Photocell 2 open circuit alerts are turned off or masked.
  spectra30_PH02_Off_3_Open Masks alert PH02 for Photocell 3. Photocell 3 open circuit alerts are turned off or masked.
  spectra30_PH02_Off_4_Open Masks alert PH02 for Photocell 4. Photocell 4 open circuit alerts are turned off or masked.
  spectra30_PH02_On_1_Open_NoMS Unmasks alert PH02 for Photocell 1. Photocell 1 open circuit alerts are reported. No machine stop will occur with this alert.
  spectra30_PH02_On_2_Open_NoMS Unmasks alert PH02 for Photocell 2. Photocell 2 open circuit alerts are reported. No machine stop will occur with this alert.
  spectra30_PH02_On_3_Open_NoMS Unmasks alert PH02 for Photocell 3. Photocell 3 open circuit alerts are reported. No machine stop will occur with this alert.
  spectra30_PH02_On_4_Open_NoMS Unmasks alert PH02 for Photocell 4. Photocell 4 open circuit alerts are reported. No machine stop will occur with this alert.
  Purge Pressure
  Spectra30_purgepressure10 Sets the purge pressure to 10%.
  Spectra30_purgepressure20 Sets the purge pressure to 20%.
  Spectra30_purgepressure30 Sets the purge pressure to 30%.
  Spectra30_purgepressure40 Sets the purge pressure to 40%.
  Spectra30_purgepressure50 Sets the purge pressure to 50%.
  Spectra30_purgepressure60 Sets the purge pressure to 60%.
  Spectra30_purgepressure70 Sets the purge pressure to 70%.
  Spectra30_purgepressure80 Sets the purge pressure to 80%.
  Spectra30_purgepressure90 Sets the purge pressure to 90%.
  Spectra30_purgepressure100 Sets the purge pressure to 100%.
  Remote Purge All Compatible with software versions 9.332 and higher.
  Spectra30_RemotePurgeAll_Off Re-assigns input 5 to the remote recipe function. Remote Recall is restored to 5 bits of support.
  Spectra30_RemotePurgeAll_On Re-assigns input 5 to the remote purge all function. Remote Recall is reduced to 4 bits of support.
  Remote Recall Recipe Save Compatible with software versions 9.302 and higher.
  Spectra30_RemoteRecallRecipeSave_Off Disables recipe saves when the system is in Remote Recall mode.
  Spectra30_RemoteRecallRecipeSave_On Enables recipe saves when the system is in Remote Recall mode.
  Internal Trigger Square Wave Compatible with software versions 9.302 and higher.
  SPECTRA30_SqWaveTrg_App1_500_mm Enables the internal trigger source for applicator 1. Product length is 500 mm.
  SPECTRA30_SqWaveTrg_App1_1000_mm Enables the internal trigger source for applicator 1. Product length is 1000 mm.
  SPECTRA30_SqWaveTrg_App1_OFF Disables the internal trigger source for applicator 1. Product lengths will be obtained by the assigned photocell.
  SPECTRA30_SqWaveTrg_App2_500_mm Enables the internal trigger source for applicator 2. Product length is 500 mm.
  SPECTRA30_SqWaveTrg_App2_1000_mm Enables the internal trigger source for applicator 2. Product length is 1000 mm.
  SPECTRA30_SqWaveTrg_App2_OFF Disables the internal trigger source for applicator 2. Product lengths will be obtained by the assigned photocell.
  SPECTRA30_SqWaveTrg_App3_500_mm Enables the internal trigger source for applicator 3. Product length is 500 mm.
  SPECTRA30_SqWaveTrg_App3_1000_mm Enables the internal trigger source for applicator 3. Product length is 1000 mm.
  SPECTRA30_SqWaveTrg_App3_OFF Disables the internal trigger source for applicator 3. Product lengths will be obtained by the assigned photocell.
  SPECTRA30_SqWaveTrg_App4_500_mm Enables the internal trigger source for applicator 4. Product length is 500 mm.
  SPECTRA30_SqWaveTrg_App4_1000_mm Enables the internal trigger source for applicator 4. Product length is 1000 mm.
  SPECTRA30_SqWaveTrg_App4_OFF Disables the internal trigger source for applicator 4. Product lengths will be obtained by the assigned photocell.
  Gun Compensation Sampling Rate
  Spectra30_GunCompSampleRate_10_ms Sets the gun compensation sampling rate to 10 milliseconds.
  Spectra30_GunCompSampleRate_50_ms Sets the gun compensation sampling rate to 50 milliseconds.
  Spectra30_GunCompSampleRate_100_ms Sets the gun compensation sampling rate to 100 milliseconds.
  Set Trigger Filtering Settings
  Spectra30_TriggerFilter_Off Turns off trigger filtering.
  Spectra30_TriggerFilter_pt_5_ms Sets trigger filtering to .5 ms.
  Spectra30_TriggerFilter_1_ms Sets trigger filtering to 1 ms.
  Spectra30_TriggerFilter_1_pt_5_ms Sets trigger filtering to 1.5 ms.
  Spectra30_TriggerFilter_2_ms Sets trigger filtering to 2 ms.