PatternView USER'S GUIDE (2.6 MB)

Version 5.0
Nordson Corporation's Microsoft-based PC interface for the Eclipse Series EPC-30 Pattern Control. With PatternView, you can program all of the functions of an EPC-30 Pattern Control from a desktop, industrial, or notebook PC.
1. Click on link
2. Select the download destination on your PC (follow file guidelines), and then click OK to begin the download process.
***You must first remove any previous versions of PatternView software before installing this version. This can be accomplished by selecting Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs. (67.0KB-zipped)
Copy this file into the PatternView directory.

Operator Panel Firmware
Version 4.002
This is the GSD file required for use with ProBlue® & DuraBlue® melters in Anybus-S Profibus DP module.
1. Click on link to open.
2. Select the download destination on your PC(follow file guidelines), and thenclick OK to begin the download process.
***Do not electronically upgrade a display containing version 3.01 software. If 3.01 software is electronically upgraded, the unit will not function correctly! Only way to upgrade 3.01 units is to order the software upgrade kit (772022) & replace the proms. Once the unit has the new 4.01 display software, electronic downloads can be used for future software upgrades. (69KB-zipped)
Copy this file to the PatternView directory.

Engine Firmware
Version 4.09
This is an upgrade file for the main control unit firmware. Use to upgrade firmware for part number 277837.
1. Click on link.
2. Select the download destination on your PC (follow file guidelines), and then click OK to begin the download process.