Reciprocator Troubleshooting

Use the fault messages on the Alarm screen with this table to diagnose and correct reciprocator problems. Refer to Ethernet Network Troubleshooting if the fault messages indicate a communications problem (Watchdog fault or TCP/IP communications fault).

Each fault message displayed on the iControl screen is accompanied by a device and number identifier. The identifier indicates the faulted machine (for example, IN/OUT Positioner #1, Reciprocator #2). When the fault condition is corrected or cleared, the fault message will indicate a returned-to-normal status.

For all reciprocator faults, the alarm relay contacts open to signal an alarm condition.

Reciprocator Error Code Troubleshooting

Error Code




E-Stop Open

In/out positioner or reciprocator E-Stop button pressed. Determine why the E-Stop button was pressed and correct if necessary. Reset the E-stop button when clear to do so.


Encoder Failure Fault

In/out positioner or reciprocator not moving. Mechanical, motor, or motor controller failure.

Change in/out positioner or reciprocator operating mode to Manual and check for proper forward and reverse (up and down) motion.

If only one direction of movement, check motor control circuits.

If no motion, check the positioner carriage to make sure it moves properly. Make sure that:

  • the anti-tip device is adjusted properly

  • a carriage wheel bearing has not failed

  • no obstructions are preventing motion.

Check the pulleys, belts, or other mechanical link connecting the gear reducer to the gun moving carriage.

  • If the gear reducer is not rotating but the motor is, replace the reducer.

  • If the drive motor is not rotating, check the motor circuit protection, motor wiring, motor controller, and motor control circuits.

This fault must be reset from the iControl alarm screen.


Motor Protector Fault

Circuit protector limiting current to the in/out positioner or reciprocator motor has failed.

  • Check mechanical components of in/out positioner for proper operation. Lubricate, repair, or replace components as needed.

  • Check motor electrical circuit between protector and motor. Repair or replace wiring, terminals, or motor control components as needed.

Reset circuit protector after corrections have been made.


Motion Controller Fault

Motor speed controller “ready for operation” feedback signal has failed.

Check the status display on the motor speed controller for fault indications. Status can only be displayed while power is applied. Cycling power to the controller will generally reset the fault condition. Determine the probable cause based on the controller fault status information.

Correct the problem causing the fault or replace the controller if necessary.


Forward Contactor Fault

Auxiliary contact on the motor forward contactor did not close when the in/out positioner was commanded to move forward.

  • Check forward contactor for proper operation. Repair or replace contactor as needed.

  • Check control circuit and devices that energize the contactor for proper operation. Repair or replace components as needed.

This fault must be reset from the iControl alarm screen.


Reverse Contactor Fault

Auxiliary contact on the motor reverse contactor did not close when the in/out positioner was commanded to move in reverse.

  • Check reverse contactor for proper operation. Repair or replace contactor as needed.

  • Check control circuit and devices that energize the contactor for proper operation. Repair or replace components as needed.

This fault must be reset from the iControl alarm screen.

2007, 2008

Forward or Reverse End-of-Travel Limit Fault

Auto mode is selected and the reciprocator has engaged the forward (upper) or reverse (lower) end-of-travel limit sensor.

  1. Select Manual mode and move the reciprocator off the limit, then re-select Auto mode.

  2. Check the configured soft top and bottom limits. Make sure they do not allow travel to the limit sensors.

  3. Adjust the configured reciprocator Turn-Around Offset (Nordson CSR only) to ensure that the limit sensors are not engaged.

  4. Check reciprocator encoder wiring. If signals switched position tracking will be reversed. Typically only seen on initial startup or if encoder is replaced.

Reciprocator encoder has failed. Refer to Encoder Failure fault.

Gun carriage has fallen to the reverse limit switch as a result of a mechanical failure. Check belts, pulleys, bearings, and motor for proper operation.

Gun carriage has drifted or was moved to top or bottom of stroke. Incorrect counterweight to neutralize the weight of the guns and gun carriage. Adjust weights.


Part size less than minimum

Default or preset settings define a stroke length less than the minimum 4 in.

Change default or preset settings, or if parts are small consider turning off reciprocators for batch.


Lead gun not defined - using gun 1

Lead gun number not entered in reciprocator configuration.

Enter number for lead gun in reciprocator configuration.


Trail gun not defined - using gun 1

Trail gun number not entered in reciprocator configuration.

Enter number for trail gun in reciprocator configuration.


Trail gun less than lead - trail = lead

Lead and trail gun numbers not entered correctly in reciprocator configuration.

Correct gun number entries in reciprocator configuration. Lead gun number must be lower than trail gun number.


Pattern width not set - using 12 inches

No value for pattern width entered in reciprocator configuration.

Enter value for pattern width in reciprocator configuration.


Vertical scanner not configured - reciprocator mode 1 invalid

Reciprocator set for variable stroke mode, no part size data available.

A part size, as seen by a vertical scanner or customer PLC, is required for variable mode. If no part size data is available, set reciprocator to a fixed mode.


Speed calculated less than minimum

Default or preset settings for variable mode resulting in speed less than minimum.

Minimum speed is 15 ft/min. Change default or preset settings. Part may be too small to use variable mode, change to a fixed mode.


Speed calculated greater than maximum

Default or preset settings for variable mode or fixed with conveyor synchronization resulting in speed faster than maximum.

Change the default or preset settings or reduce the conveyor speed.


Reciprocator not in ready state for color change

Reciprocator not in Auto mode, color change cycle cannot start.

Set reciprocator mode to Auto.


Reciprocator Watchdog fault

The reciprocator controller did not respond with a watchdog signal in 1 second.

Check the Ethernet cable connections and the reciprocator controller.

Other Reciprocator Troubleshooting




No movement from reciprocator in response to move command

A fault has occurred preventing operation

Check the iControl alarm log.

Identify the fault and review the fault troubleshooting information in this table.

Controller configuration jumpers not in place

Refer to in/out positioner/reciprocator control panel drawings in the iControl Hardware manual for function identification and jumper placement instructions.

Reciprocator locked out from Configuration screen

Check the Reciprocator control screen for the lockout indicator. Lockout is applied from the Configuration screens.

iControl locked out with keyswitch

This is a normal condition unless a failure has occurred. Refer to Photoeye, Encoder, and Interlock Troubleshooting.

Remote disable applied to reciprocator controller. No status display on iControl screens

If Nordson USA ColorMax system, the reciprocator can be disabled by a remote system control panel switch. In the Disable position, the switch opens the disable input circuit at the controller.

No corrective action is required unless the switch Normal position does not allow motion. Refer to your system drawings for circuit details.

If not Nordson USA ColorMax system apply a jumper to force On the remote disable input. Refer to system drawings for jumper application.

No reciprocator response when Auto mode selected

A fault has occurred preventing Auto operation

Check iControl alarm screen.

Identify the fault and correct. Review the related faults and corrections listed in this table.

iControl reciprocator configuration settings have not been completed

Refer to Network Configuration and Reciprocator Configuration in Help or the iControl Operator Interface manual. Make sure all required settings have been made and are correct.

Refer to the In/Out Positioner/Reciprocator Control Panel drawings in the iControl hardware manual and make sure all connections have been made correctly.

Reciprocator changes direction before or after the programmed turn-around position in Auto mode

Turn-around offset not set correctly

An error close to ± 1/2 in. of the set turn-around position is normal. Before making adjustments to the offset setting, make sure the encoder resolution is correct. Refer to Reciprocator Configuration in Help or the iControl Operator Interface manual.

Reciprocator encoder resolution incorrect

The accuracy of the displayed position versus the actual position of the reciprocator is determined by the configured encoder resolution. Check the encoder resolution value.

Reciprocator does not display 0.0 position after the homing process

Reciprocator has overtraveled the position slightly before coming to a stop

This is normal. The position displayed after homing is the actual position. During homing, the 0.0 position is set at the forward limit, then the reciprocator moves down 1 inch before stopping. The stop action produces the overtravel.

Reciprocator measured travel position does not match the value shown on the reciprocator control panel or configuration screen

Reciprocator not homed

Touch the Home button and wait for the homing sequence to finish, then check the position accuracy. The displayed position will not be correct until the reciprocator is homed.

Reciprocator encoder resolution incorrect

The accuracy of the displayed position versus the actual position of the reciprocator is determined by the configured encoder resolution. Check the encoder resolution value.

Belt drive sprocket slipping.

Make sure the belt drive sprocket is securely connected to the gear reducer output shaft.

Reciprocator does not move in response to move command

Refer to condition “No movement from reciprocator in response to move command.”

Mechanical failure, drive belt not engaging drive sprocket, or drive sprocket slipping

The position value changes but the reciprocator does not move. This can occur because the encoder is connected directly to the gear reducer output shaft. Check the drive belt and sprocket.

Incorrect reciprocator speed controller parameters

Speed controller parameters must be set to specified values in order to respond correctly to signals from reciprocator controller. Refer to the In/Out Positioner/Reciprocator Control Panel drawings.

No reciprocator response when Auto mode selected

Refer to condition “No reciprocator response when Auto mode selected.”

Auto cycle delay in progress

A 5 second delay occurs when Auto mode is selected. During the delay a warning beeper should sound.

An end-of-travel limit switch is engaged

Check the iControl Alarm log. Identify the fault and review the fault troubleshooting information.

Invalid reciprocator stroke settings

Speed controller parameters must be set to accept commands from the reciprocator controller. Refer to the In/Out Positioner/Reciprocator Control Panel drawings.

Reciprocator “jumps” back to a stop after moving to a new position

Reciprocator Hysteresis value too small

Open Reciprocator Configuration screen and increase the Hysteresis value.

The hysteresis value is the allowable over- or under-shoot distance from the target position. If the reciprocator is within this distance of the desired position when it stops, the iControl system will not move it again to the target position. If the value is not large enough, the reciprocator will over- or under-shoot its destination and then “jump” back to it (called hunting).

A typical setting is 0.5 – 0.7 inches depending on the reciprocator speed setting.